Integrated solutions to support revenue recognition and accounting checks and balances.


The LaunchPad publishing CRM allows your AR department to quickly and easily manage checks, wire transfers and credit card charges, including an API connection to LaunchPad can also manage the creation of credit memos, sales memos and trade memos.

General Ledger

Customize GL Codes and Strings

LaunchPad recognizes that each of our customers has a different way of stringing together their GL numbers. In LaunchPad publishing CRM, users can create the proper string as well as tie GL codes to the proper revenue streams and buckets.

Monthly GL Summary and Tie Out

Accounting can pull a monthly GL Summary to balance with the general ledger in many ERP systems. Our team also offers a tie out report by customer for a more granular look at the data.

GL Integration

Many publishers use a wide variety of ERP systems to manage the P&L side of their business. LaunchPad integrates seamlessly with several of these systems through API connections or simple export features, including Great Plains, Intacct, MAS, NAV and others.

GL Analytics Reporting

LaunchPad offers AR staff the ability to create custom analysts reporting centered around GL codes. These reports can be created on the fly and saved for future use.

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