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5 Reasons to Attend Media Conferences in 2019

Written by Kelley Sparkman | Jan 3, 2019 3:43:00 PM
It’s about attitude, confidence, motivation and high energy. The best way to gain motivation for 2019 is to set new goals and move towards them.  Now is the time make your reservations to attend a “NEW” conference and enjoy the following benefits.
Surround Yourself with Smart People

Hopefully, you’re not the smartest person in your company, but if you are, where do you get your inspiration for new ideas to grow revenue, improve productivity or inspire others?  High-performance people run the risk of always being a giver and after a while, they get drained. So, think about attending a conference or two or three and surround yourself with people who are doing things that you aren’t and learn from them.  If you can come back from a conference with at least one new idea that can be implemented in your company, claim victory.

Make Your Company Better

The best way to stay adaptable and continue to thrive is to get pushed outside of your comfort zone. When your team attends in-person industry events and conferences, they’ll meet new people, learn new ideas, find out what’s trending or predicted in the industry, and have the opportunity to take a breather from their everyday jobs. There are opportunities to build new relationships or strengthen existing ones. All in all, conference events are crucial to maintaining a greater sense of what’s happening in the publishing and media industry.

Get the Most Out of Your Team

When you find that your team is reactive, rather than proactive, they could be fresh out of new ideas. To get the most out of your team, allow them to take a break from their routine to learn something new. Have you implemented a new CRM or a new way to handle media planning? Maybe a conference that offers training is exactly what’s needed to reinvigorate them in the new year.

Network for New Partner Relationships

All media conferences host networking nights or allow attendees to set up business meetings. Don’t be afraid of vendors, but rather embrace them.  Spend time understanding what they do and how they are helping others, just like you. These events are the perfect time to meet clients in person, enjoy face-to-face time with executives of top companies, or get to know what others in your industry are doing. You may get an idea for your own company or find a new partner to expand your offerings.

Hear Real Life Case Studies

If your own research and development have been put on the back burner, listening to real case studies may help to inspire you again. You may learn a new way to do something you do regularly or other interesting lessons from top publishing innovators. The best part of a conference is that you’ll have the opportunity to pick and choose the speaker or topic that best fits your needs.

Our Top Publishing Industry Conferences to Attend in 2019

Here are the conferences that LaunchPad Media Management is attending in 2019. Let us know if you want to meet up for training or simply to get to know us better.